Happy Birthday Lady Liberty

Migrant Workers, school

Today at Target in Aliso Viejo, I saw some guy getting signatures for a petition to deny illegal immigrants financial aid. Last time I checked, financial aid is merely a school loan that you have to pay back anyway. It’s not always free money. Giving financial aid to anybody (including illegal immigrants) is actually a good thing for this country because 1. The government can charge interest on those loans which brings in more revenue, and 2. By giving out more loans to go to school, there will be a larger educated workforce.
Who’s to say that the next illegal immigrant seeking an education couldn’t be the next Steve Jobs or Nobel winning economist.
This country was built on the the backs of immigrants, with sweat and blood and sacrifice. We pride ourselves on our tenacity and drive for innovation. But I guess now that that guy’s family has been in the country long enough and gained enough prosperity, we can go ahead and close the doors of opportunity on everyone else? I didn’t realize the we’ve reached our capacity? This is not the first time I’ve seen this discrimination against illegal immigrants. During the GOP Debate in Las Vegas, a series of commercials were aired here in California about “Immigration Stabilization,” clearly aimed at keeping more Latin American immigrants from coming into our state.
And on the day that we should be celebrating the 125th birthday of the Statue of Liberty. Happy Birthday Lady Liberty, see what it’s come to?

New Dog

Dogs, kids

We got a new dog a couple of weeks ago. Two weeks to the day to be precise. We adopted Sammy from a rescue organization in front of a PetCo in San Juan Capistrano. I haven’t written about it until now because I wasn’t sure if it was going to workout with him or not. He’s about four years old and was on the street at the time he was picked up by animal control.
We had a couple moments this past week that made me concerned that he may not be good with little kids. But once we laid out some ground rules with the kids about giving the dog some space, we started seeing some results and Sammy is settling in quite nicely.
I’m still getting used to having a little dog around. Sammy is a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier mix and is so little that I keep stepping on him. Since he’s still a young dog, he’s really feisty. I forgot about that since our other dogs mellowed with age. He’s a good dog though, and I think that he fits into our family well.


And so it begins

kids, school

Everybody in my family is sick (including my husband) except for me, and of course, everyone has different symptoms. Don’t worry, I won’t elaborate. It’s just kind of scary that it has started so early in the school year. My daughter’s preschool teacher just send an email that her young daughter had to be hospitalized with a lung infection.
So parents, don’t let illnesses go untreated, for your children or yourselves. Get to the doctor right away. It’s going to be a tough winter I suspect. Stay well.