Weight Loss Results

goals, health

My “Jared” pants: while putting away clothes tonight, I noticed how big my sweats were. I still wear these occasionally while hanging out at home or dropping off my son at school in the mornings, but I have to pull the drawstrings tighter each time I wear them. They are C9 sweats from Target, a size Small, believe it or not. I remember how excited I was last winter that I could finally fit into a Small again, and they were even a little snug then. That was probably 10-15 ago. I’m really excited right now, this is a real ego booster and will help me push myself to never put that weight on again!

Go Away Winter

health, kids

My kids are sick again. Not too bad, just a cold for each of them. But baby girl was sent home from preschool yesterday with an earache. I swear, every mom should have one of those factory floor accident calendars that gets reset after a new illness. I don’t think there would be a household in America that gets past 90 days illness-free! To make matters worse, my kids aren’t the only ones. I overheard two moms taking about earaches yesterday when I picked up my son from school. It sucks because you can’t keep kids home from school for every minor ache and sniffle because they would miss out on so much learning, (my kids had terrible coughs, I knew that wouldn’t be well received at school) but, by sending them to school when they are at any stage of illness, it just continues the cycle of illness among the children.

I can’t wait for Spring.

Oxfam America Unwrapped Christmas Wish List

health, kids, school

Hello Readers,
I established a Christmas wish list to benefit Oxfam America’s work to help communities around the world through self-reliance, education and personal care. Anyone can contribute, and I am deeply grateful for your participation. Every little gift counts. I have listed multiple quantities, so all you have to do is update the quantity you wish to make a donation to upon checkout. Everyone always says “I’ll contribute next year,” let’s make this year the year we do that!!
Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday for you and your Families.
Aimee’s Oxfam Wish List