New Year’s Resolutions

holidays, kids, New Year

Dear Readers,
Do New Year’s resolutions lose their impact if we share them with others? Do you make them? I normally don’t. I decided to make a list this year because I had enough goals in mind that I wanted to make them concrete and hold myself accountable. I got the idea to do so from my weight loss/diet plan that I already use. I found that using Weight Watcher’s plan worked for me when I was first starting out because I only stayed on my diet plan and exercise regimen if I wrote everything down. You can’t kid yourself about all the crap you eat if you aren’t seeing it in front of you on your iPhone app. It’s easy to fall off the tracks if you don’t write it down.
Same goes for my goals, I can kid myself if I don’t write them down and will make excuses at the end of the year if I don’t realize them. But if they are right there in front of me, I’ll be forced to call myself out as to why I didn’t fulfill even the most simple resolutions.
Happy New Year!